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2013-05-15 May
Cemetery & Parks Meeting
May 15, 2013
Kimball House

The meeting was opened at 7:20PM
Present were, Ray Boyes, Tubby Boucher, John Barett, Roger Rapoza Sr., and Pam Haman.
Guest Bob Tumber

Bills were reviewed and approved

Minutes from the April 2013 meeting were reviewed and approved.

Appointment:  Bob Tumber of West Townsend had concerns about the fence at Riverside Cemetery.  He felt that the fence should be painted and not varnished.  Bob also felt that the funds should/could come from the James Tucker Cemetery Fund.  This Account has approx. $25.00 in expendable interest.  Bob also expressed concern about cemetery employees being on the committee.  Bob would make a donation for the paint.  John pointed out that approval from the Selectmen’s Office would be needed to accept a donation.  Bob also inquired about the plans for the stone wall between the original portion of Riverside and the new area. Bob would like the wall removed or moved from the east to the border.   The Commissioners’ said that they were unsure of the rules and regulations regarding stone wall work/repair.

Superintendents Report:
There are several pieces of equipment that should be declared surplus/salvage.  John Barrett made a motion to declare the 32 inch Ferris walk behind mower and the 2001 white Ford F350 dump truck as surplus equipment.  Ray second all were in favor the motion carried.
Roger will check with The Town Administrator regarding the guidelines for trading equipment in for new equipment.  He will also find out the correct procedure for purchasing  used equipment/vehicles.
Howard Park garage roof needs to be replaced.  Measurements and price quoting will be done.  Shanley’s still are blocking the drive way at times.

Clean up has started for Memorial Day.

Next meeting is for June 10, 2013 at 7PM.

Meeting adjourned. 8:25PM

Pam Haman